
“The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.”

What is taken for granted or does not appear questionable calls philosophy into question. Philosophy lessons offer the opportunity to discuss existential questions in a critical discussion with thinkers of the present and the past.
 The famous Kantian questions: “What can I know? What should I do? What can I hope for?” Philosophy classes inspire us to get to the bottom of the world. It is precisely because there are perhaps no clear and generally binding answers to these fundamental questions that thinking about them is so exciting.
Those who philosophize examine their opinions and tacit assumptions and reconsider their prejudices. Those who philosophize get involved in the positions and arguments of others, question authorities and what seems self-evident and, last but not least, become aware of their own limitations, ignorance and lack of knowledge. Anyone who philosophizes exposes themselves. Kant, therefore,  saw the way out of our self-inflicted immaturity in overcoming our laziness and our cowardice, which repeatedly prevent us from having the courage to think for ourselves. 
Philosophy is, in short, perhaps now more than ever, an imposition. An apparently liberating imposition that more and more Royalty students are facing.

Our Programs

  • Cambridge

  • Edexcel

  • Pre-U

  • International Baccalaureate (IB)

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